Pay by Link API
Pay by Link API enables you to further customize your checkout workflows. Here you can find the reference for the available options
Parameter | Description | Examples |
locale | Sets the language/country of the payment forms. Expects ISO 639-1 for languages and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 for countries. Default is "en-US". Supported languages are: ar,be,bg,cn,cz,de,da,el,en,es,fi,fr,gr,hu,it,ja,ko,nl,no,pl,pt,ro,ru,sv,sk,sl,tr Right-to-left languages are not supported by the number formatter. |
locale: "de-AT" locale: "de" Check the requirements of the connector you are integrating in your shop. If the connector requires to have the language and the country provided, use the format "de-AT". If there is no requirement defined, you may use any of the two options. |
validUntil | Sets the period during which the payment link will be valid and available to perform a checkout. If validity period is not present default value will be 90 days |
validUntil=1 |
validUntilUnit | Sets the validity period units. Possible values are HOUR, DAY. |
validUntilUnit=HOUR |
termsAndConditionsUrl | Merchant terms and conditions URL. Value must be a valid URL |
termsAndConditionsUrl= |
privacyPolicyUrl | Merchant privacy policy URL. Value must be a valid URL |
privacyPolicyUrl= |
wpwlOptions | Used to customize the behavior of the embedded COPYandPAY in the page. Note that not all the options are available. The list of available options is listed in the Available wpwlOptions table. |
wpwlOptions={"labels":{"cardHolder":"Name on card"}} |
collectBilling | Used to collect billing information from the page. It accepts a comma separated string of pre-defined values. Available values are: |
collectBilling=postcode |
mandatoryBilling | Used in conjuntion with Except when using |
mandatoryBilling=postcode |
billing.* | The billing address field can be used to show billing information on the page. If used together with |
billing.postecode=81675 | | Used to show the customer phone number on the page. | | | Used to show the customer email on the page. | |
enableSinglePayButton | When enabled the page will display one pay button for all the payment methods |
enableSinglePayButton=true |
Layout Parameters
Layout Parameters used to customize payment page appearance
Parameter | Description | Examples |
layout.logo | URL of merchant store logo which may be displayed on payment page. |
layout.logoWidth | Merchant store logo's width. By default value is 150px |
layout.logoWidth=300 |
layout.logoHeight | Merchant store logo's height. By default value is 100px |
layout.logoWidth=200 |
layout.backgroundImage | URL of image which will be used as a background for payment page |
layout.merchantNameColor | The color of merchant name label's specified in hexadecimal format. By default value is #6b6b6b |
#ffffff |
layout.amountColor | The color of amount and price labels specified in hexadecimal format. By default value is #00000 |
#ffffff |
layout.payButtonColor | The background color of Pay Now button. By default value is #5cb85c |
#ffffff |
layout.payButtonTextColor | The color of Pay Now button's text. By default value is #ffffff |
#ffffff |
Send link to shopper via SMS
These paramerets used to control SMS content
Parameter | Description | Examples |
from | Free-form text with which the sender identifies themselves to the recipient. Must not exceed 11 characters length. |
from=MTS |
smsTo | The number to which the message is sent. Numbers are specified in E.164 format. |
smsTo=14049236100 |
Available wpwlOptions
To know more about the options, refer to COPYandPAY APIName |
threeDIframeSize |
numberFormatting |
bancontactQr |
upgQr |
requireCvv |
allowEmptyCvv |
maskCvv |
brandDetection |
brandDetectionType |
autofocus |
validation |
validateCard |
validateDirectDebit |
validateOnlineTransfer |
validateVirtualAccount |
validatePrepayment |
validateInvoice |
validateOnDelivery |
spinner |
disableCardExpiryDateValidation |
forceCardHolderEqualsBillingName |
showCVVHint |
iframeStyles |
displayIban |
displayBic |
showLabels |
showPlaceholders |
labels |
placeholders |
errorMessages |
applePay |
googlePay |
paypal |
brandDetectionPriority |
brandDisplay |
inlineFlow |
showBirthDate |
disableSubmitOnEnter |
styling |
fundingSources |
showBirthDate |
showBillingAgreement |