The ConnectIN settlement report is a file which contains settlement and/or chargeback information. The file is .csv (comma-separated-values) format, and can include the fields defined in the table below.

Header API field name Description Available for all Clearing Institutes Format Example
ReconciliationType recordType Type of the record Yes [SETTLED|CHARGEBACK|CHARGEBACK REVERSAL|FEE] SETTLED
Cashflow settlement.cashflow Transaction Balance Direction Yes [POS|NEG] POS
ClearingInstituteMerchantId clearingInstitute.merchantId Merchant ID at Settlement Provider Yes AN64[\s\S]{5..64}| DE89370400440532013000
MerchantAccountId Account ID of Merchant at PAY.ON Yes AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} 8a8394c83fed2fed013ff6dc2e9815cf
MerchantAccountName Name of Merchant at PAY.ON No AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} Merchant_Name
PspId pspEntityId ID of PSP at PAY.ON Yes AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} 8a8394c83fed2fed013ff6dc2e9815cf
DivisionId divisionEntityId Division ID at PAY.ON No AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}. 8a8394c54204abb801420e8cd7a50e74
MerchantId merchantEntityId Merchant at PAY.ON ID Yes AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} 8a8394c443104c090143675e4f037642
SettlementTxId Transaction ID at Settlement Provider No AN64[\s\S]{0,64} 19671339451-12
UniqueID Unique ID at PAY.ON No AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} 8a8394834ddc4481014e0c7a14d0618a
ShortId Short ID at PAY.ON No AN14 1111.2222.3333
TransactionId merchantTransactionId Unique reference number provided by merchant Yes AN255[\s\S]{8,255} 8058544535
InvoiceId merchantInvoiceId Invoice ID provided by merchant No AN255[\s\S]{8,255} INV1568343
ConnectorTxId1 clearingInstitute.txId1 Additional field for a transaction related reference (provided by the Clearing Institute) No AN64 2XY95449X3
ConnectorTxId2 clearingInstitute.txId2 Additional field for a transaction related reference provided by the Clearing Institute) No AN64 2XY95449X3
ConnectorTxId3 clearingInstitute.txId3 Additional field for a transaction related reference provided by the Clearing Institute) No AN64 2XY95449X3
Amount amount Transaction Amount Yes N13 1,63
Currency currency Transaction Currency Yes A3 (according to ISO 4217) USD
Brand paymentBrand Brand of Credit Card No A16 Visa
TxRequestTime presentmentDate Time of ordering the transaction by the merchant in Clearing Institute’s time zone. The value can be either retrieved from a specific field in the received settlement file. Or in case no specific field is identified/mapped the default code is utilized which is the timestamp when the acquirer file is parsed on our system. (i.e. the timestamp of the recon job) No 12.04.2015
SettlementAmount settlement.amount Settlement Amount Yes N13[0-9]{1,10}\.[0-9]{2} 1,00
SettlementCurrency settlement.currency Settlement Currency Yes A3 (according to ISO 4217) EUR
SettlementFee settlement.fee Settlement Fee No N13[0-9]{1,10}\.[0-9]{2} -1,00
SettlementFxRate settlement.fxRate Settlement FX Rate Yes N13[0-9]{1,10}\.[0-9]{2} 1,44
SettlementDate Date on which settlement is executed by the Clearing Institute in its time zone Yes 15.04.2015
SettlementStatus settlement.status Settlement Status Yes [SUCCESS|FAILED] SUCCESS
Descriptor descriptor Transaction Reference which appears on the end customer’s statement No AN128 Sample descriptor
AccountNumberLast4 card.last4Digits(NOTE: this field should be split depending on the paymentBrand) Last 4 digits of Credit card No AN4 4980
bankAccount.last4Digits(NOTE: this field should be split depending on the paymentBrand) Last 4 digits of Bank account number, IBAN, etc. No AN4 1234
BankCode bankAccount.bankCode Bank Code/BIC in case the transaction is bank related No AN12 10020033
AccountHolder bankAccount.holder(NOTE: this field should be split depending on the paymentBrand) Account Holder of Bank No AN128 John Smith
card.holder(NOTE: this field should be split depending on the paymentBrand) Account Holder of Credit card, etc. No AN128 John Smith
ReasonCode result.code Failure Status Code (available only for Chargebacks) No AN11[0-9\.]{2,11} 000.100.200
ReasonDesc result.description Failure Status Description (available only for Chargebacks) No AN128 Insufficient funds
SettlementFileFormat settlement.fileFormat File format of Settlement File Yes AN32 EPA350
ClearingInstituteName Name of Clearing Institute Yes AN64 CONNECTIN
MatchingStatus matchedTransactions.status The matching status Yes [MATCHED|MULTIPLE_MATCHES|NOT_MATCHED] MATCHED
MatchedTransactions matchedTransactions.payment[n].id UUID's of the matched transactions Yes AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} 8a8394834ddc4481014e0c7a14d0618a
CustomFields Yes json map based on the definition in the portal {"": "Munich", "shipping.street2":"Test Street 1" }