The ConnectIN settlement report is a file which contains settlement and/or chargeback information. The file is .csv (comma-separated-values) format, and can include the fields defined in the table below.
Header | API field name | Description | Available for all Clearing Institutes | Format | Example |
ReconciliationType |
PaymentType |
Cashflow |
Transaction Balance Direction | Yes | [POS|NEG] | POS |
ClearingInstituteMerchantId |
Merchant ID at Settlement Provider | Yes | AN64[\s\S]{5..64} || DE89370400440532013000 |
MerchantAccountId |
Account ID of Merchant at PAY.ON | Yes | AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} | 8a8394c83fed2fed013ff6dc2e9815cf |
MerchantAccountName |
Name of Merchant at PAY.ON | No | AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} | Merchant_Name |
PspId |
ID of PSP at PAY.ON | Yes | AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} | 8a8394c83fed2fed013ff6dc2e9815cf |
DivisionId |
Division ID at PAY.ON | No | AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}. | 8a8394c54204abb801420e8cd7a50e74 |
MerchantId |
Merchant at PAY.ON ID | Yes | AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} | 8a8394c443104c090143675e4f037642 |
SettlementTxId |
Transaction ID at Settlement Provider | No | AN64[\s\S]{0,64} | 19671339451-12 |
UniqueID | |
Unique ID at PAY.ON | No | AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} | 8a8394834ddc4481014e0c7a14d0618a |
ShortId |
Short ID at PAY.ON | No | AN14 | 1111.2222.3333 |
TransactionId | merchantTransactionId |
Unique reference number provided by merchant | Yes | AN255[\s\S]{8,255} | 8058544535 |
InvoiceId | merchantInvoiceId |
Invoice ID provided by merchant | No | AN255[\s\S]{8,255} | INV1568343 |
ConnectorTxId1 | clearingInstitute.txId1 |
Additional field for a transaction related reference (provided by the Clearing Institute) | No | AN64 | 2XY95449X3 |
ConnectorTxId2 | clearingInstitute.txId2 |
Additional field for a transaction related reference provided by the Clearing Institute) | No | AN64 | 2XY95449X3 |
ConnectorTxId3 | clearingInstitute.txId3 |
Additional field for a transaction related reference provided by the Clearing Institute) | No | AN64 | 2XY95449X3 |
Amount | amount |
Transaction Amount | Yes | N13 | 1,63 |
Currency | currency |
Transaction Currency | Yes | A3 (according to ISO 4217) | USD |
Brand | paymentBrand |
Brand of Credit Card | No | A16 | Visa |
TxRequestTime | presentmentDate |
Time of ordering the transaction by the merchant in Clearing Institute’s time zone. The value can be either retrieved from a specific field in the received settlement file. Or in case no specific field is identified/mapped the default code is utilized which is the timestamp when the acquirer file is parsed on our system. (i.e. the timestamp of the recon job) | No | | 12.04.2015 |
SettlementAmount | settlement.amount |
Settlement Amount | Yes | N13[0-9]{1,10}\.[0-9]{2} | 1,00 |
SettlementCurrency | settlement.currency |
Settlement Currency | Yes | A3 (according to ISO 4217) | EUR |
SettlementFee | settlement.fee |
Settlement Fee | No | N13[0-9]{1,10}\.[0-9]{2} | -1,00 |
SettlementFxRate | settlement.fxRate |
Settlement FX Rate | Yes | N13[0-9]{1,10}\.[0-9]{2} | 1,44 |
SettlementDate | |
Date on which settlement is executed by the Clearing Institute in its time zone | Yes | | 15.04.2015 |
SettlementStatus | settlement.status |
Settlement Status | Yes | [SUCCESS|FAILED] | SUCCESS |
Descriptor | descriptor |
Transaction Reference which appears on the end customer’s statement | No | AN128 | Sample descriptor |
AccountNumberLast4 | card.last4Digits(NOTE: this field should be split depending on the paymentBrand) |
Last 4 digits of Credit card | No | AN4 | 4980 |
bankAccount.last4Digits(NOTE: this field should be split depending on the paymentBrand) |
Last 4 digits of Bank account number, IBAN, etc. | No | AN4 | 1234 | |
BankCode | bankAccount.bankCode |
Bank Code/BIC in case the transaction is bank related | No | AN12 | 10020033 |
AccountHolder | bankAccount.holder(NOTE: this field should be split depending on the paymentBrand) |
Account Holder of Bank | No | AN128 | John Smith |
card.holder(NOTE: this field should be split depending on the paymentBrand) |
Account Holder of Credit card, etc. | No | AN128 | John Smith | |
ReasonCode | result.code |
Failure Status Code (available only for Chargebacks) | No | AN11[0-9\.]{2,11} | 000.100.200 |
ReasonDesc | result.description |
Failure Status Description (available only for Chargebacks) | No | AN128 | Insufficient funds |
SettlementFileFormat | settlement.fileFormat |
File format of Settlement File | Yes | AN32 | EPA350 |
ClearingInstituteName | |
Name of Clearing Institute | Yes | AN64 | CONNECTIN |
MatchingStatus | matchedTransactions.status |
MatchedTransactions | matchedTransactions.payment[n].id |
UUID's of the matched transactions | Yes | AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} | 8a8394834ddc4481014e0c7a14d0618a |
CustomFields |
Yes | json map based on the definition in the portal | {"": "Munich", "shipping.street2":"Test Street 1" } | |