MSDK + Ready-to-use UI

MSDK + Ready-to-use UI

This guide describes how to use Mobile SDK (MSDK) and Ready-to-use UI for 3d Secure 2 processing. We assume that you already went through the base MSDK integration guide and can submit payments. If yes, proceed with the following instructions to enhance payments with the 3D Secure 2 verification.

NOTE: First of all, proper configuration in the Administration Portal should be done to enable 3DS 2 for the specific card brands.


There are no mandatory steps for 3D Secure 2 integration, everything is working out of the box. But we strongly recommend to look through the Customization guide to check advanced features of the Mobile SDK. Use the config property of the ThreeDSService instance to apply customizations, note that it's still not mandatory to call initialization by yourself, everything else is implemented by MSDK.

[Optional] Initialize the 3DS service in advance

By default, initialization is started by MSDK while checkout is loading, but you may want to do it earlier, even on application start. Initialization phase includes fetching actual config info from the Server, collecting device data and performing security checks. All these actions are done in background thread, so start it whenever you want, it won't affect UI thread.